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001 Vlog Brain – The Unexamined Life is one not worth living

I recently purchased a fairly inexpensive camera that I can easily pull out and hit record to capture my day more frequently. The goal of this vlog is to allow myself to create and edit more movies on a (hopefully) daily basis, capturing the fun minutia that creates my days and also to document some of the interesting places I tend to find myself just on the fact that I’m looking for stuff.

This was recorded 8/10/2018 and the morning of 8/11 I opened my email to a quote by James Baldwin. It seemed fitting and very timely and thus seems like a great start to this new ‘Vlog Brain’.

Spurn self-delusion.

I still believe that the unexamined life is not worth living: and I know that self-delusion, in the service of no matter what small or lofty cause, is a price no writer can afford. His subject is himself and the world and it requires every ounce of stamina he can summon to attempt to look on himself and the world as they are.

-from the introduction to Nobody Knows My Name

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